
Figments of An Overactive Imagination

The imaginative works of an aspiring writer 

Hello, my name is William and I have been writing for years. I write stories in a number of genres like fantasy, action/adventure, and mystery. I am starting this blog to share my writing with a larger audience. I like to think that with my stories I create whole new worlds, worlds I want to share with others. Please read on to witness strange and wonderful events that take ordinary people on journeys that transform them forever. Read, enjoy, and please let me know what you think.

Latest from the Blog

Monster Mash

A hulking figure stood in the dimly lit space and felt a feeling of anticipation growing. His hand went to his chin and then along a wicked looking scar.                 Just then a hand grabbed a light switch and flipped it causing the figure to turn around in surprise.                 “Spooked you, didn’t I?” asked…

The Adventures of Captain Courage

A loud sound woke up Carl. What’s happening, he wondered as frantically looked around. There was a flash of bright light that illuminated his tent. Is that lighting? Is there a storm? Ground shaking explosions shook the area as Carl quickly tried to get out of the tent. “Ahh,” cried Carl as he ducked to…

The Unintended Invitation

                Alex laid on his couch. Bored. I’m bored. I’m so very bored. He picked a newspaper off the floor and looked through it. Nothing’s going on locally but then again nothing really happens in this town.                 Alex spotted an article about a community center opening. Reaching back, he grabbed a pen off a…


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